Books – some for the price of a latte

Current books are available in print from bookstores and on-line.
All books, current and the back list, are available as e-books.
Here are some suggestions 1
If you find books by John Mole that are not on this website they are probably by my namesake, the distinguished poet. We’ve never met but our paths have crossed since we both wrote for the TLS in the 1970’s. My Mother-in-Law collected his books convinced I was incognito so as not to blight my banking career. More disturbing was that the TLS sent me printed proofs of his poems. One described him and his sons gathering at the bedside of his dying father, which I was also doing. Was M-in-L right? Did I have a split personality disorder? I didn’t dare contact him in case his wife asked what time I’d be in. Then the TLS sent me a cheque for a poem. I found his address and sent it on. He kindly sent me a thank-you letter. Unlike my illegible scrawl he has beautiful italic handwriting. Definitely not me. (Proofs, letters, cheques? Olden days.) ↩︎