The Monogamist

Half of marriages end in divorce. But is it all roses for the other half? From the author of Sail or Return, The Monogamist an original and moving comedy, bubbling with laughter and surprise, about staying married.

Alex and Tony are living happily ever after. They have a couple of children, a gentrified house. plenty of friends. While other people’s marriages fall apart around them they stick to their vows. But after ten years together the front door is all that gets stripped on a Saturday afternoon.

Tony thinks that infidelity will make life together more exciting, but is the pleasure worth the pain? Or the expense? So he pretends to have a secret love life. He plant clues around the house – a blonde hair on his collar, lipstick on his shirt.

Read the first chapter

Packed with comic invention The Times

Perceptive and very funny Observer